Posted by R.

Update time! (I'm shuttling between 2 blogs, so pardon me if I get confused sometimes.)

We went back to Chinatown yesterday to pick up several things - Yanxian's waist ribbon, more ribbon for our informal photoshoot (photographer being yours truly), beads and some hot-fix crystals for the dress. I actually suspect that Yanxian is using the wedding adornments as an excuse to buy more beads. Hah.

We decided to adorn Yanxian's dress on our own! Got our hands on some inexpensive Swarovski crystals which we'll be placing on the dress. I went onto Youtube to find out how exactly to do it, since the auntie at the beads shop sounded really iffy about how to go about doing it. So this morning I did a prototype - first on a scrap of tulle material, which worked really well. So I did 2 more on the dress itself, and oooh, it's actually quite nice. Shall post before- and after- pics soon.

Oh, and we picked up a tux for the naughty boy. He looked so totally endearing in it! Shame that he can't come though, he would have made such a cute ring-bearer. =)

OH YES. WE RECEIVED OUR PHOTOSHOOT ALBUMS!! Our thanks once again goes to Mario, Thea, Lennie and everyone at Aditi Niranjan for doing such a fantastic job. I keep hearing how my friends hated the pre-wedding shoot sessions, but these people really made it quite an enjoyable affair. Previews, anyone?

These are the raw photos - unedited shots, and they sent a total of 2 albums totaling 80 edited shots, 1 large canvas print, and a 30 minute behind-the-scenes video which was really awesome. Not that the videography was fantastic or anything, but it captured a lot of funny stuff that went on, such as the 2 failed attempts before we got that shot above (I appeared to be eating boobs at one point in time ...) and of the horse going wild at the beach. Mario also knew I'm kinda into photography, so he very nicely obliged and sent me 2 DVDs containing all the original shots (some 600 of them, I believe) in TIFF format so I can edit and print as I want to - which is very professional and kind of him, as most of the local photographers I know only return you a selection of shots.

Invites are ready for distribution!  

Posted by Twinkle

Finally, the invites are completed! Many thanks to HY's mum, Wei, Xuan and last but not least, HY! Everybody chipped in, and they couldn't have been done so nicely and so quickly if not for everyone's efforts. Haha, I finally realised yesterday, what a klutz HY is at handicraft. Can't even cut in a straight line even though I already printed out the line for him to follow! Wow. Hey, but he made up for it with his lovely handwriting, which is exactly what I lack.

My mother loves the invites, and even though she doesn't need one, she's requesting for one for keeps. Hmm, limited edition leh... Ok, I'll spare her one. Haha! So, those of you who are going to get your invites, treasure them! They were made with a lot of thought (each heart is different from the other, all intended), a lot of careful precise work (gluing, cutting, drawing, putting on the glitter) and $$$ (spent on repeated trips to shops all over the island to buy materials). Phew!

Just found out yesterday that F can't come for our solemnization! :'(
Aww, I did wish she would, but then, work is work, or rather, scholarship money is scholarship money. Go forth and spend all your conference allowance, spend while it lasts! :P

Been sourcing out florists and I've limited it to two. Feel bad, like I'm "leading" them on. One is the recommended florist by the restaurant manager, the other is highly recommended by F's fren. HY's been dealing with the first one (PT) and I've been dealing with the 2nd one (GA). We're going to see which one sways us more. haha...


Posted by R.

Finally collected my shirt! Quite pleased with it.


Posted by R.

Met up with our photographer, Chris Lim from Coffeestains photography, tonight over some Tully's coffee at West Coast Plaza. We looked through some of his works (which was partly unnecessary, given that we've more or less sieved through about a dozen photographers' works) and filled him in on the program. His style is just what we like - I suppose you could call it photojournalistic portraiture, but personally I dislike the word "photojournalism" and what many of these photographers claim to be doing. In addition, photojournalism seems to be the hip thing nowadays, much to the chargrin of certain groups of photographers. True, they tend to capture candid shots, but candid does not necessarily translate to flattering.

The total cost seemed a little alarming, but once you break it down I suppose it's actually quite reasonable. (Heck, tuition costs $60 an hour nowadays, and all they do is to sit there and talk!) We decided to do away with getting him to do an album for us, which would cost an additional $400 (!!). Instead, I'll probably do the touching up myself and if we ever decide to, I know just the place to get books printed. It's exactly where all the wedding photographers go to print their stuff anyway.

He's an interesting guy alright - as Yanxian puts it, a bit of the artistic sort. A little eccentric, a little autistic, and just not the normal sort of people we hang out with. I'll just have to email him tomorrow to let him know we would like to have him for 4 hours, and without the photo book. He'll go scouting at the venue himself beforehand, and I was favourably impressed that he bothered to turn up a little earlier tonight than he was supposed to.


Posted by R.

Went to visit some of the girly forums (i.e. Cozycot) and came across some people who did wedding blogs too! But oooh ... theirs are much nicer, lol.

Anyway, we'll be meeting our photographer tonight just to discuss the details. I'm thinking of getting a relative to do the video, it'll be amateurish but heck. Or maybe I'll shop around again on ClubSnap.

We're bursting the invites list!! OMG. It was planned for 50, and currently the list stands at 62.


Posted by R.

I'm finding things a little more manageable as the day draws closer - thankfully, most of the nasty things have already been done!

I had to go in to work this morning, but right after that we met up with my parents at Chinatown for a lovely lunch of frog's porridge, and went basket-shopping. We were fretting over the bridesmaids' floral baskets, and finally settled on 3 lovely-looking ones. We passed by a makeshift stall selling some seashells too, and I was really, really tempted to get tonnes of them. But alas! (and thankfully!) I didn't have any cash on me. We later got down to buying some lace for Yanxian's ROM dress, and also went to Ocean to get a load of erm ... facial products for me. Remember I bought the men's range from L'oreal? It certainly worked, so I got more today! Cheap and good. And pampered myself with some Kerastase hair products.

We rounded up the evening by finishing the invites (yay!) together with Xuan and Wei, and Yanxian did something extremely nasty to me. Yes, they decided my eyebrows were too unruly for me to be wed, so they did a trial eyebrow-shaping for me. OUCH.


Posted by Twinkle

Well, there's been a lull in updates for the last week, so I thought I'd better do something about it. 

Had a bright idea at lab the day before and brought back a nice cardboard tray leftover from pipette tips packaging and stuck masking tape at the bottom to make the surface sticky. Then, I stuck the little souvenirs (is this how it's spelt???) onto the tray! Tahdah! Perfect for transport! Now, I just need another tray, so I've got to watch out for it before it gets chucked into the bin.

Made the brooch for my dress already, somehow it still doesn't feel right, although it looks much better than the prototype. It's tough making your own jewelry, no matter how much effort you put in, it still doesn't look perfect... HY says it's nice though, so oh well, maybe I should stop fretting. Next would be the hair stuff, but no hurry, cos if I can't finish, we'll just buy them.

Thinking of making the invites tonight. Or running. Or skating. Why does time seem to slip by so fast when there are so many things to do? Starting to miss those days when we could just laze around or watch movies on his laptop...


Posted by R.

OK, I've been less-than-hardworking at updating this site. We managed to finish up doing the entire batch of bombonieres, so now all I'm left with for them is to get the vermiculite and seeds. Oooooh fun!!

Made a prototype of the invites tonight. It looked quite nice, but still lacks a woman's touch (hint hint) - it looks quite coarse.

Ah, something interesting. We went down for some bridal fair at Suntec last Saturday, together with Min Er and her beau. It was a useful experience. Firstly, those people are VULTURES. I absolutely detest them, if only for the fact that they are pushy, and untruthful. Like Bliss Bridal, these guys seriously dissed me. The effeminate man was going on and on and on, and pretended to give us extras on top of what the package offers. I glanced to the table next to us, and behold! They too received these apparent "extras"!

Also - maybe it's just me - but the photography services there were seriously not worth the money at all. They look like they were taken by an amateur with a DSLR and a rented studio.

To top it all, the gowns there were absolutely hideous. Why would anyone want to wear a dress that looks like it came out of "The Creepy Ballerina of Xmas Eve"? Anyway, I said it was a useful experience, as it at last convinced us that we don't need no package. We may (or may not) end up spending more dough, but I think a la carte is the way to go. BTW, Min Er signed up for a Taiwan photoshoot - I'm happy for her!


Posted by R.

Made some progress today with the bombonieres, or what is more commonly known locally as favours. Although not common in solemnization ceremonies, we thought it would be sweet to give people a gift to thank them for the attendance. Not that we're spending a bomb on them - on the contrary, but I think our wedding is gearing towards as little wastage as possible. How many times have you brought one of those silly salt-and-pepper shakers home and dumped them in a corner (or in the bin)? And I still have a fruitcake-in-a-box rotting away after several months (I think. Could easily have been a year.)

We're making invites that can be re-used as bookmarks, and bombonieres that are fun - a spruced up bottle of seeds! Initially we wanted to use love-in-a-puff, but I only have 300 seeds which amounts to 6 per person - it'll only look silly - and it's a pretty uncommon plant so buying them will cost a bomb. Yanxian got hold of a hundred of these nice glass bottles, and she and my mom spent the evening tying pretty blue bows on them. I'm in charge of doing the seed mix, which will be mixed with vermiculite. Apart from looking pretty, the vermiculite will be soaked first in a concoction of vitamins etc so they can act as slow-release fertilisers. Right now I'm thinking of a whole list of stuff to mix, including balsam, love-in-a-puff, cosmos, zinnia, marigold, sunflower and a few surprises. Will be fun for people to grow them and see what comes up!


Posted by R.

I just realised that this blog does not state the author who writes the entries. Ouch. An oversight on my part, it shall be fixed.


Posted by R.

Spent yesterday at Ngee Ann City doing several things:

1) Collecting my suit
It finally fits!
We passed by G2K Black Label (essentially the same thing except apparently better materials) and saw some very, very nice cufflinks, and suits going at a steal - $130! Didn't have the luxury of time to browse though, so I'm not sure if they are just left with the odd sizes. Still .. the workmanship is quite decent, surprisingly.

2) Invites
Finally got hold of the materials for the invites, and we spent most of our time choosing and matching the things. Bear in mind though, that these are just the raw materials - making them into something usable is another thing altogether.

3) Shoes
Yanxian finally found some very nice shoes, at a very nice price! Yes, despite the common perception (I'm not even going to say "misperception") that Taka's shoes are expensive. There was a range though, that used real Swarovski crystals on the shoes - now THAT's expensive. Pics to come soon - I didn't manage to do them justice.


Posted by Twinkle

Isn't it a strange coincidence that one of the PhD comics' characters is also getting married? Are they spying on us???


Posted by Twinkle

For the longest time ever, I actually skipped to lab happily on a monday morning, probably because of the very constructive chat last night with the guys. :) 

Yupz, me and HY obviously have never prepared any ROM before, hence having YK and WJ give some valuable input was most helpful. And having A as the "man-to-run-to-in-case-of-trouble" was a really good idea. I couldn't have thought of anyone better. Now, it just seems that the girls don't have anything to do! But, we decided that HY's sisters can help me with the handicraft side of things, together with decor and flower stuff. I just wish V could be physically around more, I could really use a good galfriend for girly discussions. But then again, I'm a control freak, so even if she's around, I'll probably do everything myself anyway. Haha...

Friday's "meet-the-in-laws" was pretty successful. I secretly think my parents were nervous about the meeting, so was I, although we worried of different things. On the other hand, HY's parents seemed pretty relaxed about the whole affair. Generally, both sides have the same unspoken attitude that the ROM is only an engagement party, while me and HY think of this as something significant for ourselves. Oh well, I suppose it's only a technicality difference. In any case, the wedding dinner will definitely happen (which was what my father was worried about). I think everybody wants it to happen, so hopefully the parents will just trust us. 

We'll be going to collect HY's suit again tonight. I say "again" cos when we went to Boss on Saturday, we found that the sleeves (esp the left one) were too long! Was a bit pissed off, since I paid a good sum of money for this, and I expected better of them. I guess the PMS was not helping. haha. Well, they better get it right this time round, else... Oh, and we had a terrific idea for the ROM invites, so we'll be popping by ArtFriend after collecting the suit to pick up some supplies. :)


Posted by R.

We met up with the guys last night at the Green Room Cafe, which serves vegetarian food. OK, for some odd reason I'm still ballooning up! Have decided to take only 1 meal a day and see if it works. It's very upsetting. Anyway, we got a lot done last night! =) Starting to feel really excited, lol. Weijian has very kindly consented to be our music guy as well, so we'll be having a clavi there! I just hope, in Yingkai's words, that the benign tumour does not turn malignant. I was really surprised to learn of the re-entry, but it sounds really cool.

The afternoon was ealier spent at the RSYC, where we met the GM Gary. So yeah, it's decided that we'll use both the indoors and outdoors area - outdoors for the ROM ceremony, and later adjourn in for the dinner with 3 long tables. Stuff to settle for venue will be the decor.