Posted by R.

Need to settle the dress within these few months .. we've bought some magazines for reference, and possibly looking for a place that can make designs of dresses that we've seen in the mags. Problem is that almost all of these bridal shops are pushy. Pushy is just annoying, but some are plain dishonest (refer to my previous post on the Suntec city incident). Makes dealing with them a real pain. I'm really keen to take our own photos, but Yanxian thinks that my skills don't cut it. =( Oh well.


Posted by R.

Ooh we bought a few bridal mags yesterday from PageOne. The overseas mags are a much better buy than the silly local ones. For one, the models look more normal (read: not anorexic!) and of course, you are spared the visual bombardment of the same adverts again and again. The clothes are also more interesting, since they don't follow the same trends as the locals. Fun!