Horror stories of Bridal Boutiques aka one-stop-station-for-everything-they-think-you-need  

Posted by Twinkle

Hmmm, it's great that everything for solemnization is falling into place. Which leaves us with planning for the tea ceremony-cum-wedding-dinner day... Oh, did we mention that the date is sorta fixed? 21st Nov 2010 (Sunday). 

I've been reading some horror stories from singaporebrides, cozycot etc.. the general gist is: every bridal boutique has it's own share of horrendous service. From empty promises to hard-sell tactics to late deliveries, you name it, they've done it. Which is silly, since the whole point of engaging them is to save yourself some headache, but it appears their entire existence seems to be just to drive you nuts (reminds me of administrators...). 

So, we've been discussing. These boutiques supposedly give you a "package" which includes items/services that they think you need. If we break down the package, it basically consists of: 
  1. wedding gown (aka Big Dress) rental 
  2. evening gown rental
  3. Tea dress rental
  4. Gatecrashing Tux rental
  5. Dinner Tux rental
  6. Car decor
  7. Indoor photoshoot
  8. outdoor photoshoot
  9. Hair and Makeup

Item 1 makes sense. to rent item 2 is a bit silly, since it can be re-used again (depending on how elaborate it is). Tea dress is redundant for us (since we already have a ROM dress). HY thinks he can buy a cheap G2000 suit for item 4. Item 5 already have (ROM suit, which cost me a bomb). Car decor can ask Peng Tze to do. HY wants to do his own indoor photoshoot (OCD again). Outdoor photos are done already. Hair and Makeup can engage our own.... So what does that leave us with??? just item 1! What the.....

So, we're going to get quotations/estimates of the ale-carte items and see how much the 9 items will cost us, then decide if we really want a package...

This entry was posted on Tuesday, April 7, 2009 at Tuesday, April 07, 2009 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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